Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Around the Word

Book that trip: If you're planning an exotic getaway this summer, or just want to escape to a faraway  land while sunning on your local beach, the Telegraph has just the ticket for you. Offering a new twist on the summer reading list, the U.K. paper has compiled a menu of favorite fiction by location. Their "Around the World in 24 Books" showcase takes you from Italy to India and from classic authors like E.M. Forster to modern stars like Cormac McCarthy.

Slang "thang": In yet another sign of the impending apocalypse, slang words "innit," "grrl" and "thang" have been added to the Collins Scrabble Dictionary. Offering a more accepting perspective, American Sarah Churchwell writes in the Guardian that, while "innit" may be an abomination, English is constantly evolving and change is necessary for survival. As she puts it, "There's no language so pure as a dead one."

Rules for the unruly: There are few things scarier than speaking to an unfriendly audience, especially for an inexperienced or unconfident speaker. The Eloquent Woman today provides some helpful coping mechanisms -- 12 tips for establishing credibility and winning over a tough crowd. Some hints: don't brag when introducing yourself, don't over-apologize, and be bold.

Sour Apple: While tablets may be all the rage, magazine publishers are having a hard time getting a cut of the action. Last week, Hearst and Conde Nast were the first two big magazine publishers to release their subscription agreements for the iPad. Women's Wear Daily revealed that the publishers are less than happy about the terms of the deal with Apple and that sales are not living up to expectations. We wrote on Monday about new research suggesting that people aren't using their iPads to read. Maybe Conde Nast should just buy Angry Birds.

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