Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Around the Word

Plotting past security: Laguardia's Terminal D may seem an unlikely locale for a literary event, but the Wall Street Journal reports that multiple authors including Magic Johnson, Madeleine Albright, and Donald Trump have contributed to the growing trend of using airport bookstores to promote their work. Many authors stop to sign books in between flights, and Hudson bookstores in Newark and Kennedy were recently treated to unscheduled signings by Ice-T and Rob Lowe. "Airport signings won't supplant traditional book tours anytime soon, but maximizing publicity opportunities, even during an author's travel layover, makes sense for publishing houses as marketing budgets shrink and traditional bookstores vanish." Just remember not to use your boarding pass as a bookmark! 

Twitter and Twellow and Tumbleweeds, oh my! You've got your book. You've got your blog. You've got your Facebook page and Twitter account. You are now fully interactive. But what happens when the messages start flying and the fans hit the fan? For those of you who need a little help managing your following and tracking your progress, check out this hilarious, knowing post from Tumblr blogger Jill Morris, How to Become a Published Author in 237 Simple Steps. Or if you'd like the abridged version, GalleyCat narrowed down those 237 suggestions to spotlight their four favorite social media managers: Listorious, Muck Rack, Twellow and Tumbleweeds.

Anglo-American rhetorical relations: A recent column by British commentator Steve Richards denouncing the current state of political oratory in the U.K. has caused a minor stir in the speechwriting community -- and met with some skepticism on this side of the pond. Upon reading a post by U.K speechwriter Max Atkinson echoing Richards' argument, Vital Speeches of the Day editor David Murray posted an open letter challenging their dour assessment of speechmaking in the digital age. "Doesn't it give you the least bit of pause (as it does me) when you see the world declining at the same rate as you?" Murray quipped. Are things as bad in the U.S.? Tell us what you think.

The price is right: With the e-book market in its early stages of development, publishers and authors are still struggling with how much to charge for digital lit. E-books are sold at a wide range of prices, from $.99 to $19. So where should an author price their e-book to get the most exposure and rake in the most royalties? You can find some useful answers in this blog post from author Bob Mayer, which aims to demystify the pricing process and help publishers and free agents alike find their sweet spot.

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