Monday, July 18, 2011

Around the Word

Free or fee? With our workshop on writing pricing scheduled for tonight, we have finances on our brain at the moment. So we were especially intrigued by a post that digital guru Chris Brogan has up today on the selling of knowledge and whether to charge for advice-dispensing seminars, webcasts, etc., like the one we're sponsoring. Our workshop is free, but that's for a strategic purpose. Brogan makes a very good case for why there is nothing wrong -- and often compelling reasons -- for writing pros and other experts to charge a fair price for their expertise. Take a look and let us know if you agree or not. 

Columbia Pub students hit the e-books: The Columbia Publishing Course has a long tradition in the publishing industry -- the six-week summer course for aspiring literati has helped launch many New York publishing careers. But in another sign of the e-volving times, the New York Times reports today that the old-line standby is taking a distinctively online flavor, focusing on e-books, digital marketing and self-publishing. "The industry has changed," said the director of the program, Lindy Hess. "Students have to learn all the old stuff and get a grasp on the digital world." We'd be curious to hear from any recent CPC grads about their experience with this new curriculum.

Self-publishing for tweens: Forget about the big box bookstores -- e-publishing is jumping straight into the sandbox. GalleyCat tells us that Barnes & Noble is now shopping an app for the Nook Color that enables  kids to design and publish their own e-books. The app has the potential to create "a whole generation of kids who grow up with the idea that books are written on devices, for devices." Is this a sign of the publishing apocalypse? Or an opportunity for the digital generation to learn to love and create books? 

Ripped from the headlines: With Rupert Murdoch's News of the World hacking scandal dominating the news, it was only a matter of time before someone put together a required reading list for more content and context on journalism scandals past. GOOD Magazine was good enough to fill that void over the weekend, rounding up the best fiction and non-fiction about conflicts of interest, brazen fabrications, and unscrupulous reporters. Check out this list, and be glad you don't work for William Randolph Hearst.

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