Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Around the Word

Self-publishing self-help: For those who are thinking about dipping their toes into the self-publishing waters, Mashable has kindly offered a handy step-by-step guide for using CreateSpace, Amazon's increasingly popular self-publishing service. CreateSpace offers easy formatting, distribution and marketing through Amazon, and seems like a highly accessible way to self-publish in print (e-book formatting is at an additional cost). Have you used CreateSpace? Let us know what your experience was.

RIP Borders: As most of our fellow word nerds know, Borders has officially bit the book bin dust, with the fallen giant announcing yesterday that it will shutter the rest of its stores and liquidates its assets. Many literature lovers are mourning the final chapter in this Chapter 11 saga, but as this Boston Globe story makes clear, most people are not wasting any time or tears in running into the arms of Amazon for their book buying needs.

"This is not for you": Unless you're directly mentioned, most people don't give a second thought to reading book dedications. But for bibliophiles, they can often be the source of revealing insights and juicy tidbits. With that in mind, the Guardian recently took a look at some of the most unique, and sometimes sassy, dedications written by famous authors. From Joe Abercrombie's often violent novels dedicated to his daughters ("For Grace -- One day you will read this and be slightly worried") to Mark Z. Danielewski's brutally honest dedication, "This is not for you," creative dedications tell a story all their own.

I can write that memoir in six words: If sunshine, barbecues and beaches make you feel all poetic, this contest might be for you. Next Monday in Manhattan, Smith Magazine is sponsoring the summer edition of their Six Word Memoir Slam. The theme? "Camp, Summer Stock, and the Family Vacation." For more details on the event, including how to enter, check out the 92YTribeca website. (h/t GalleyCat)

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