Thursday, July 5, 2012

Gotham Featured on Contently's "Freelance Strategist"

Gotham was recently featured on publishing and media site Contently, in an article entitled "Diversify and Increase Your Income with Ghostwriting." Reinforcing a point we often like to make, the article, which was written for their "Freelance Strategist" blog, illuminates the idea that ghostwriting is no longer the domain of celebrity vanity, but has evolved into an increasingly key piece of many corporate communications and thought-leadership strategies—making it a great opportunity for freelancer writers. From speechwriting to white papers, from big-think pieces to smart blog posts, many businesses are realizing that hiring freelancers is a time-saving and cost-effective way to improve brand positioning and awareness. Says GG President Dan Gerstein in the piece, "On one hand, there are shrinking opportunities in the journalism field, but the flip side is that there are growing opportunities to get paid for what are increasingly in-demand skills... Ghostwriting collectives are a way to diversify your business and get access to opportunities you wouldn’t have otherwise."

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