Friday, June 6, 2014

Around the Word

Alternative design for Penguin Random House
Penguin Random House finally releases their official logo this week, and reactions have definitely varied. In the aftermath, Publishers Weekly published an alternative design that readers voted on after holding a contest when the merger was first announced.

The Hachette/Amazon dispute  continues as authors such as John Green, J.K Rowling, James Patterson, Malcom Gladwell, and even Stephen Colbert  speak out against Amazon. Missed out on all the news regarding the disagreement? LA Times breaks it down in 13 easy steps.

Amy Einhorn leaves the imprint she founded at Penguin Random House and joins Macmillion’s Flatiron Books imprint as senior VP and publisher. Originally a non-fiction imprint, Einhorn will be bringing her literary and commercial fiction background along with a staff of fiction editors to Flatiron Books.

Maya Angelou’s Memorial service will be broadcast live from Wake Forest University where she has taught since 1982. Tune in June 7, 2014 at 10 a.m. to watch.

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