Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Today's Tips: Sharpen Those Proofreading Skills, Expand Your Readership, and More...

  • Like a lot of wordsmiths, Grammar Girl host Mignon Fogarty recommends always getting a second set of eyes to proof your copy. But If you can't wrangle that, she has some creative suggestions for making do on your own: try reading your copy backwards, out loud, and from a piece of paper
  • Copyblogger lights the way to expanding your internet universe. First step: click through a commenter's website -- you may just meet your fourth-degree network 
  • Publishing and intellectual property attorney Lloyd Jassin urges co-authors to always sign a contract outlining the biggies: cash, control, and author credit 
  • Men with Pens offers ways to help you find a writing voice, from trying on personas to writing a letter to a friend 

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