Thursday, March 18, 2010

Today's Tips: Headlines Last, Connect the Dots

A couple tipsters caught our eye this morning...
  • Copyblogger raises some noteworthy points on the place of headlines in the writing process, ultimately suggesting a title be saved for last. While a sharp headline can potentially focus your writing, more often than not, a piece will stray from its original intention.  Beware of breaching your reader's trust -- if you promise "10 Secrets to Editing," make sure to deliver original insight, not generic tips culled from the blogosphere.
  • Writing and editing coach Daphne Gray-Grant helps writers clarify their message with today's tips on Ragan for connecting the dots.  We wholeheartedly agree with points #2 and #3: an added sentence can clarify and ground a metaphor, and sometimes a "catchy" teaser may be too vague to be, well, caught.

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